Would Manfred Weber Send His Own Family to War?

Manfred Weber, the leader of the European People's Party, was asked about his own family members in connection with remarks he made about the need for compulsory military service in the EU and the need to prepare for war with Russia.

Forrás: V4NA2024. 05. 13. 14:51
Manfred Weber német kereszténydemokrata politikus, az Európai Néppárt vezetője. Fotó: John Macdougall Forrás: AFP
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Leading Western politicians risk turning the Russia-Ukraine war into a third world war, with the looming threat of nuclear warfare. Recently, Manfred Weber - the leader of the European People's Party - has also joined the bidding, talking about a European nuclear weapon on a TV program and pressing for the introduction of compulsory military service across the EU.  

The international V4NA news agency wrote to the Bavarian politician asking him

whether he would also send his closest relatives and family members to fight in Russia-Ukraine war? 

However, the Bavarian Christian Democratic politician is profoundly silent when it comes to experiencing the horrors of war first hand. The Russia-Ukraine war has already ruined hundreds of thousands of lives and claimed hundreds of thousands of civilian and military victims. Yet Western politicians continue to fuel the fire in a bid to escalate the war, writes the international V4NA news agency.

Macron plays for world war 

Meanwhile, French President Emmanuel Macron continues to push his pro-war narrative, stating on Saturday that there will come a point when the Russians will have gone "too far" in the war, and then

the West will have to intervene.

As is known, President Macron was the first European politician to raise the idea of sending Western troops to Ukraine, to which Russia has repeatedly responded by pointing out that

It would retaliate without a second thought, which would be a straight road to a third world war.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has also stated on many occasions that the Russian Federation would not hesitate to deploy its nuclear arsenal if it considered that its security and sovereignty were threatened.

Cover photo: German Christian Democrat politician Manfred Weber, the leader of the European People's Party (Photo: AFP/John Macdougall)

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